People often ask me, ‘How are you always so motivated?’, ‘How do you find time to do x, y and z?’, ‘Where do you get your energy from?’ and the answer always comes down to a good night’s sleep. I know I’m turning into your Mother now, and you’ve probably heard this a million times already, but I cannot stress the importance of a good night’s sleep enough. I wouldn’t be where I am today without it! At one point I was working four jobs, doing a full time degree and trying to start my now successful (if I do say so myself) company, Moore’s Campers. I couldn’t have done any of it without a good night’s sleep.
Now that’s easy to say, but how do you actually do it? Here are my top tips for getting a good night’s sleep:
1. First and foremost, a good mattress. This is one of the most important aspects of a good night’s sleep. My fiancé and I opted for a Leesa* mattress; with three layers of high quality foam, these provide cooling bounce, contouring pressure release and core support to ensure a good night’s sleep, night after night. There’s lots more information on the Leesa mattress below. Other mattresses we looked into were the Sealy mattresses, Emma and IKEA which we’ve had in the past.
2. Tidy room, tidy mind. I always dedicate time to sort my bedroom out before I settle for the evening. You don’t have to make this a time consuming task, just 10 minutes is all it takes. Put your dirty washing in the laundry, file lose bits of paperwork, wash up empty glasses. Each thing you do on an evening is one less thing you have to do the next day. Which always makes my mind much clearer.
3. No evening snacks/drinks. As nice as a tub of ice cream in bed at 11pm sounds, it’s not doing your sleep any favours. We’re all guilty, Sam and I have been known to have cheese and crackers in bed at gone midnight, on more than one occasion. But don’t make it a habit. Eating late at night can also contribute to weight gain as your body doesn’t have a chance to burn the energy in the food/s. Make sure you have your last meal/snack at least 3 hours before you go to bed.
4. Create the perfect environment. I can’t sleep with any amount of light and the slightest bit of noise will disturb my sleep. My ResMed Sleep Tracker helped me discover and eliminate some of the environmental factors that were interrupting my sleep. I invested in a good pair of blackout curtains as I was waking up at the crack of dawn each morning. I also discovered that my TV was turning on at 3am each morning so I put a stop to that too. I’d suggest trying a Sleep Tracker if you’ve been suffering with sleepless nights for a while.
5. Routine. Whether you go to bed at 9pm every night or 1am every morning, or 3am if you’re my Mother, try and stick to a routine. Let your body clock adapt, stick to a routine for just a week and I can almost guarantee that you’ll see a difference immediately. Try not to change that routine too much on the weekend either. As much as you think you’re catching up on sleep by snoozing until 11am on a Sunday, you’ll probably end up more tired. And you’ll struggle getting up at 6am on Monday.
6. No TVs, phones, laptops, tablets, games consoles, or anything else bright or electronic. Give your body at least 20 minutes free from electronics before your head hits the pillow. And do something to tire you mind instead. Call us old but Sam and I often enjoy a game of cards, or a chat about our day’s. I also use this time to read. I’m currently reading Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee.
7. Pamper. Wind down activities often involve a good ol’ pamper. I’ll regularly make an entire evening of it. I’ll run myself a warm bath, fill it with LUSH goodies, put a face mask on and either read or listen to relaxing music. Whatever time I do this, I always feel like I could sleep for a week afterwards.
The Leesa Mattress, the key to a good night’s sleep
The Leesa Mattress is expertly crafted to create a luxury feel and appearance to appeal to each and every person. With individual needs in mind. The Leesa Mattress, manufactured with three layers of high quality foam, provides optimum support and comfort to help your body rest and recover to ensure a good, and pain free night’s sleep.
No-one can know how a mattress is going to work for them after a 2 minute lie down in store. Leesa understand this and offer a 100 Night Trial Period. If you don’t feel the Leesa Mattress is right for you, they will arrange for the mattress to be collected and donated through a charitable organisation.
One of the many reasons to choose Leesa is that you’re also helping others. As well as providing yourself with a good night’s sleep. Along with the fact that they donate all returned mattresses, they also donate one mattress for every ten sold to organisations that support homeless and at-risk men, women and children. And if that wasn’t enough, they partner with the Arbor Day Foundation to plant one tree for every mattress sold and donate time and resources to help support local and national organisations.
I can give you a massive £50 off your Leesa Mattress if you buy through this link. I’d love to hear what you think if you do chose Leesa.
What are your top tips for a good night’s sleep?
Until next time,
Zena's Suitcase says
I really suffer if I don’t get a good night’s sleep. Going to sleep on a full stomach is a big no no. I really struggle to eat if I eat to late
Jennifer Durrans says
I just can’t turn off from the technology!!! I’m so bad but great tips!
Ickle Pickle says
I had a new mattress at the beginning of the year and it has made a huge difference to my sleep 🙂 Kaz x
Lynne Harper says
I have to agree a good nights sleep is key to a healthy life. I know I massively struggle when shattered. This mattress sounds fantastic and fully supportive as well as comfortable
Jenni says
It is so much better with a tidy room, makes me feel much more relaxed. I have recently got a new mattress and it has helped me sleep a lot better
Sus // says
Such good tips here. I am lucky and have no issues sleeping, but we do turn our phones onto night mode at 9pm every evening.
Jenni says
I definately agree with a tidy bedroom! If the bedroom is a mess I just can’t sleep. I do need to stop using my phone before bedtime though as I haven’t been able to sleep lately and I think thats why
Stacey says
Super tips. I use a tracker on my Apple watch that uses heart rate and motion to determine the state of sleep. Turns out I don’t sleep particularly well. Some of it is undoubtedly down to my youngest son who is 4 months and is waking once a night (not as bad as our eldest was!). Some of it is down to things like screen time before bed, I think!
Chikumo says
I’m so bad at eating or drinking before bed and it disturbs me so much! I need to try tidying the room too!
Leanne says
great tips, i’m so bad at not watching tv or scrolling through my phone just before bed and a routine is definitely something i need to stick to. the mattress sounds incredible. x
Ami says
I’m so bad for it too. I’ve been working quite late at the moment so on my laptop until about 12am. Still managing to find time to read for 20 minutes before sleep though. I feel so much better when I’m sticking to a routine.
Ami xxx