Now the summer is upon us, the only place I want to be is in my kitchen. Or the beach, I’m not going to say no to the beach. But call me crazy, you have to drag me out of the kitchen kicking and screaming in the Spring/Summer months. I can’t get enough of cooking and baking. Which is obviously difficult right now considering I don’t even have a kitchen…

As you may know, Sam and I have recently bought a renovation project, the full post on that will be coming after this one. We have been working flat out on it, every single day after work, and Saturdays/Sundays for around 2 months now. I’d be lying if I wasn’t to say I’m getting slightly fed up and impatient now. In order to do the kitchen, we’ve had to wait for the electrician to do his business, as we’re moving the kitchen into a completely different room. Now we’re waiting for the plasterer who’s starting Tuesday, then we need to paint, and finally build the kitchen. We’re working towards a completion date of 14th September and the closer that’s getting, the more excited I am to get my arse back in the kitchen.
Obviously, a new kitchen calls for new appliances right? So it’s only right to make a Kitchen Wishlist. I’ve already spent way more than I should and we’ve still got so much to buy. Le Creuset just calls my name far too often…
The first on my Kitchen Wishlist is a fridge, probably one of the most important parts of a kitchen as it’s where the chocolate goes… (I know 99% of you will disagree with that statement). Although I say this is on my Wishlist, Sam and I have already bought this as it was in the Curry’s Sale. We’ve gone for the Samsung RS53K4400SA which was reduced to £649. Crazy for a fridge, but Sam wanted an ice machine, and I suppose it is a novelty. This is still in it’s packaging in the Garage so I can’t tell you what I think about it yet. But I can tell you it will fit a lot of food in, and it has an ice machine…
I’ve been looking for a juicer to make smoothies/soups and I’m impressed with the Panasonic Juicers. MX-ZX1800SXC looks like it’ll do everything I need and more. I have soup for lunch at work almost every day, it’s either that or cous cous/grains with salad. I really want to start batch making my soups as it’ll save me a fortune and I’ll know exactly what goes into it. Leek and Potato is my favourite, or a simple vegetable. I would love some soup recipes if anyone has any favourites they’d like to share?
A microwave is another important appliance that’s high up on our Kitchen Wishlist. I know some people don’t use a microwave whatsoever but I’m not one of those people, I always chose the easy option. I even make pasta in the microwave as it means I don’t have to stand over a pan for 10-15 minutes. I’m want to restart my 5 Minute Mug Cakes series too as the first one of these was really popular. I spotted a Samsung Microwave Grill for £69 at Tesco which I thought was a good price.
Why is this turning into such an adult list? Time for some silly things I think… I’d like some form of Novelty Cookie Jar, Tesco were doing a Robot one but I think it’s since been discontinued. I can always remember going to my Mum’s friends houses and them having silly cookie jars that you couldn’t wait to be offered a biscuit from. I want my Godchildren/Niece to feel like this with me. OK I’ve even made Robot Cookie Jars seem adult… [a little addition, I had a dream about said Robot Cookie Jar last night].
Next is absolutely anything to do with baking. I went through a point when I was really organised with my blog (and life) and I was managing to get a Baking/Food post live every Wednesday. Everything has been up in the air with the house renovation at the moment but I cannot wait to get to this state of mind again. Obviously a Kitchen Aid is on the top of my list but I’ll have to win the lottery first for that one. As that’s definitely not something we can spend our money on any time soon. Then I’m lusting after lots of different cookie cutters, cake cakes and decorations on Amazon, which is great for baking equipment.
I think that’s it, for now anyway. Although I’ve probably forgotten something important. I’d love to hear what your must have kitchen appliances are? Keep a look out for my before and after Kitchen post. I can’t wait to show you.
Do you have any recommendations for things you can’t live without? What’s on your Kitchen Wishlist?
Until next time,
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